Want to mirror a Telegram channel / group, to a WhatsApp channel / group? This tutorial will show you how to automatically forward all messages from a Telegram channel to a WhatsApp group – essentially creating a Telegram to WhatsApp bridge / link.
For example, if you already have a Telegram channel, you can automatically mirror it on WhatsApp – getting a whole new chunk of potential viewers with no extra effort. You can also mirror multiple channels to a single WhatsApp group, and filter messages to determine which Telegram messages get mirrored to your WhatsApp group.
Let’s see how to link Telegram to WhatsApp, using WHAMetrics Bridge.
In this article:
To mirror a Telegram channel to WhatsApp, we simply setup a bridge in WHAMetrics Bridge. Here is how:
That’s it! Your bridge is set up. Any message posted into the Telegram channel, will appear in the WhatsApp group as well.
Now that the Telegram to WhatsApp link has been set up, verify it by posting something to the Telegram Channel (or just wait until a new post appears). You will then see it appear in the WhatsApp group as well.
Note: WHAMetrics should be allowed to post in the WhatsApp group to which you are mirroring the Telegram channel. If the group only allows Admins to post, you need to make the WHAMetrics number into an Admin.
Yes, you can – same process as above.
Yes, you can! Just use the invite link for the group instead of the channel URL – the rest is the same.
Yes, you can set up automatic forward from WhatsApp to Telegram as well. To do that, simply follow the same bridge instructions as above. Then, when you have the WhatsApp Group and Telegram Channel defined, mark it as “WhatsApp to Telegram bridge”.
Of course, WHAMetrics should be allow to post to the Telegram group / channel that you choose as the destination, so you would need to give it post permissions.
Telegram shows all kinds of handy analytics on your channel. WhatsApp by itself, does not. Fortunately, WHAMetrics shows an incredible amount of analytics for your WhatsApp groups – even more than Telegram. For example, you will see growth charts, engagement and reactions (sortable, per user and per message), view counts, unique members across various groups, and many many more. For more info on WHAMetrics analytics, see How to check WhatsApp Group statistics
Yes, WHAMetrics will adjust your messages to show up in WhatsApp. For example, WhatsApp cannot show text with a link (e.g. like this ), so in WhatsApp that link would appear as: like this https://www.whametrics.com . There are all kinds of other subtle adjustments so that your messages look right in WhatsApp.
Yes, you can. WHAMetrics allows you to define a standard signature that gets appended to all messages. The most popular signature type is a “join group” link, so that if your message is forwarded, it will include the link to your group.